Research Themes

Arts Philanthropy

Philanthropy relies on building relationships and deeply felt connections with a cause; however, national cultures and specific sectors define its practice. Arts philanthropy spans a variety of regions and cultures.

An artistic vision sparks passionate audiences whose response to art informs philanthropic strategies that underpin artistic organizations’ fundraising programs.

My research focuses on practices that promote philanthropic relationships with audiences and on strategies that evolve a culture of philanthropy in arts organizations and their larger communities.



Reid, Wendy (2024). Linking audience inspiration and philanthropy: Post-pandemic learning in the cultural sector. The Philanthropic Year, 2024. PhiLab (UQAM).

Reid, Wendy (2023). Editor, Philanthropy and the Arts. Editorial: La philanthropie culturelle: une question d’équilibre. Special issue with the PhiLab (UQAM).

Reid, Wendy (2024). Repenser la philanthropie culturelle au temps de la COVID 19, in Réagir, créer, persévérer. La culture québécoise au temps de la pandémie, edited by Hervé Guay, Sandria P. Bouliane, Patrick Leroux, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Reid, Wendy (2022).  La capitalisation en philanthropie dans le secteur des arts : politiques culturelles et entrepreneuriat privé au Québec, in État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise, edited by Diane Alalouf, Caroline Bergeron, Jean-Marc Fontan, Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 167-182. Link to the book on the PUQ website.

Reid, Wendy (2020). Rethinking Cultural Philanthropy in Montréal: Relationships and Community. Research report commissioned and published by the Montréal Arts Council. Published online.



La structuration organisationnelle de la philanthropie : Défis et enjeux des fondations parallèles (quatre mini cas) (with Peggy Allen). Catalogue, Case Centre, HEC Montréal, online, 2023, 30 pages including appendices, with teaching notes, 28 pages.

Apprendre la générosité: Démystifier la campagne de financement participatif (with Maryse Tremblay). Revue internationale des cas en gestion. Vol 18, No 3, 2020, online, 9 pages, with teaching notes, 13 pages.

Le bal-bénéfice des Ballets Jazz de Montréal : Comment assurer la pérennité du financement privé? (with Yvanca Lévy). Revue internationale des cas en gestion, Vol 15, No 1, 2017, online, 24 pages, with teaching notes.

Philanthropes engagés au service de la musique classique : Les bénévoles de l’Orchestre symphonique de Québec (with Martine Côté and Roxanne Musial). Revue internationale des cas en gestion, Vol 14, No 3, 2016 online, 23 pages with teaching notes.

Dans la rue: Balancing the heart and the pocketbook (with Brian King). Revue international des cas en gestion, Vol 14, No 1 2016, online, 18 pages, with teaching notes. In French and in English.

Le Moulin à Musique – dance effréné en quête des ressources (with Sophie Pinard), 2017, 12 pages, with teaching notes, 12 pages. Catalogue, Case Centre, HEC Montréal.

Art Souterrain et ses bénévoles: L’école du travail professionnel (with Mathieu Baril), 2017, 17 pages, with teaching notes, 12 pages. Catalogue, Case Centre, HEC Montréal.


Sectoral notes

Histoire de la philanthropie au Canada anglais (with Roxanne Musial) (2017).

Histoire de la philanthropie en France, les États-Unis et le Canada (with Roxanne Musial and Géraldine Dallaire) (2015).

Étude comparative des pratiques sectorielles de la collecte de fonds au Québec (with Sébastien Boutonnet) (2015).

Available upon request.


Presentations and teaching

Keynote address on relational philanthropy in the cultural sector: ‘’La philanthropie culturelle : Créer une communauté de donateurs-rices’’ at Philanthropie culturelle : quelles ambitions pour le Québec? HEC Montréal, December, 2022. Online

Co-teacher with Amélie Aumont on cultural philanthropy in artist-run centres : ‘’Le maillage entre les philanthropes et les artistes comme stratégie de philanthropie culturelle dans les centres’’ (three sessions of two hours, plus one hour consultation with each participant). Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec Formation, Fall 2022.

Guest lecturer with Marie-Ève Collin ‘’Transformer nos abonnés en donateurs on philanthropie’’ for Québec theatre companies. Groupe des 12, Fall 2021.

Guest lecturer on philanthropy in Museum Management course, Joint Masters in Museology at Université de Montréal (Joanne Côté), Winter, 2018, 2019, 2020.

Guest lecturer on philanthropy in the arts in the art history undergraduate program on the Economy of the arts at the Université de Montréal (Christine Bernier), Winter, 2018.

Guest lecturer about philanthropy in course on Museum Management in museology program at McGill University (Gwendolyn Owens), Spring 2015 and 2017.